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Grow your dream web development career from the ground up, regardless of education or prior experience.

Project Bootstrap exists for one reason: to help you become a professional web developer.

It’s a community of aspiring and current developers who all share a common goal: growing fulfilling, successful careers as developers.

Project Bootstrap was founded by me, Ken Rogers. Back in 2014, I learned web development using online resources, built up a website, a portfolio, started writing, and grew a network.

I got my first job as a junior dev a few months after starting that journey, and currently work full-time as a remote React developer for an amazing company and could not be happier.

I know firsthand how life-changing having a fulfilling career can be, so I started Project Bootstrap as a way to help other developers start their careers.

The road to being a developer is tough, especially if you don’t have the resources to attend college or a boot camp, and don’t have any existing experience.

Why Project Bootstrap?

Project Bootstrap exists to fill that gap between going at it completely alone and spending tons of money on formal education.

I noticed that what was missing for most people was support, guidance, and mentorship. The basic steps are simple: learn, build a portfolio, write content, network. Those can be learned quickly and easily.

The challenge lies in actually following through on them. Actually executing is a lot harder than just absorbing information.

What aspiring developers need is motivation when they feel like giving up, assurance when self-doubt starts to creep in, firm advice when shiny object syndrome takes hold. In short, aspiring developers need a supportive community of peers and mentors.

Project Bootstrap is that community.

If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, we would love to have you.

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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